Estimated delivery time to other EU-countries is 5-7 working days. Our main warehouse is in Tampere, Finland and we will deliver packages every working day (monday-friday).
If a product is out of stock or the delivery time is longer, we will contact you personally by phone or e-mail.
Processing time for orders is 1-2 working days, normally we will process orders every working day (monday-friday).
If the product is to be sent on a certain date, it must be mentioned separately, for example, when placing an order. We try to pay attention to the customer's need, if possible.
With your delivery you will get a list of products bought which acts as a receipt for your purchase and guarantee.
Prices are inclusive of VAT 24%.
Please notice that the above mentioned terms are not applicable with table deliveries! If you wish to purchase a pool or snooker table, please contact us beforehand, so we can calculate the most suitable and affordable way to deliver your table. We also provide table fitting services across Europe depending on our schedule.
You can contact us by email myynti [at], by phone +358405391754 or by filling the contact form here: Contact